Dr. Jiang's Seminar Series

How to Build a Successful Career in Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics?

How to design a message to communicate with extraterrestrial lives?

Are we alone in the universe?

How to achieve your American Dream?

How to get into Ivy League Schools?

How to thrive as an international student?


  • ✺Messages in a Bottle: A Beacon for Future Civilizations 瓶子里的信息


    In this lecture, we will delve deeply into the "Messages in a Bottle (MIAB)" initiative, a program designed to collect the collective achievements and aspirations of humanity, creating a vessel of information that may one day be discovered by future alien civilizations, while also serving as an eternal monument for the descendants of Earth. The discussion will span multiple disciplinary fields to explore the strategies necessary to achieve this lofty goal, with a special emphasis on significant advancements in technology and computation since the Voyager missions. While this concept aligns with the theoretical framework of future interstellar missions, its realization relies on broad collaboration, especially the active participation of the scientific community. The purpose of this workshop is to spark in-depth discussions about the conception, objectives, and potential contents of MIAB. We encourage students and experts from various scientific and innovative fields to share their insights and contributions. We look forward to participants not only engaging in the discussion but also proposing innovative ideas and solutions. Our collective goal is to do more than just send a message; we aim to weave the rich story of humanity into the vast tapestry of the universe, allowing our voice to traverse the cosmic seas. Through this workshop, we invite everyone to think and build together, leaving a profound mark of humanity in the cosmos. Let us join hands in cooperation to shape the future.

  • ✺Achieve Success in U.S. College Admission 如何帮助孩子在美国留学成功

    无论对中国留学生和本地学生来说,学生及家长面临的共同挑战是如何成功进入美国的顶尖大学,并为职业生涯做好准备。本讲座深入探讨了教育体系间的差异和跨文化背景下的人才选拔标准,指导学生在申请过程中如何展现自己的独特优势。通过提升智商与情商,学生将学会如何有效应对申请挑战,为职场成功打下基础。蒋博士利用超过30年的国际教育和学术经验, 向学生和家长展示如何采用有效的策略规划升学和职业道路, 旨在帮助学生在高等教育机会竞争中脱颖而出, 同时确保他们为实现职业目标做好充分准备。

    Navigating the path to success in top American universities presents a universal challenge for both Chinese international students and local students, as well as their parents. This lecture delves into the differences between educational systems and the criteria for talent selection across cultural backgrounds, guiding students on how to showcase their unique strengths during the application process. By enhancing both IQ and EQ, students will learn to effectively tackle the challenges of applying, laying a solid foundation for career success. Drawing on over 30 years of international education and academic experience, Dr. Jiang shares with students and parents how to employ effective strategies for planning their educational and career paths. The aim is to help students stand out in the competitive arena of higher education opportunities, while ensuring they are thoroughly prepared to achieve their career goals.

  • ✺Prospect of Becoming Type Ⅰ Civilization and Beyond 展望人类文明的前景

    我们的文明目前还很落后,技术上属于 0.7 型,但正在走向 1 型。我们正在寻找大量可持续能源,尽管我们仍然依赖于原始的有机燃料来源, 包括木材、煤炭和石油。 我们被限制在我们的家园星球上,与生态问题作斗争,例如瘟疫流行、战争、自然灾害和气候变化。 但是还记得1000年前人类文明的技术成就在哪里吗? 生活在那个时代的人会怎么看待我们今天生活的世界? 我们肯定知道的一件事是,曾经需要一个世纪才能实现的技术突破,现在可以在一年内实现。 确实有些技术更难破解,比如开发聚变能。 但今天,我们离实现融合突破更近了一步,单凭这一突破就能让我们更快地成为 1 型文明。 在那之后,我们能否继续发展到2型,3型文明?

    We’re currently considered a sub-global civilization, technically Type 0.7, but on our way to Type 1. We’re in the process of finding a large source of sustainable energy, though we still depend on crude, organic sources of fuel, including wood, coal and oil. We are confined to our home planet and struggle with ecological issues, such as pandemic, wars, natural disasters and climate change. But remember where human civilization’s technological achievements were in 1000 A.D? What would a person living in that time think of the world in which we live today? One thing we know for sure, technological breakthroughs that at one time took a century to achieve, now can happen in a year. It remains true that some technologies are harder to crack, like developing fusion energy. But today we are much closer to achieving that fusion breakthrough that alone will move us faster to becoming a Type 1 civilization. And after that will the rest unfold?

  • ✺Space Travel: Bold Design and Dreams太空移民:规划与梦想


    Although space travel has not really started yet, the field has developed rapidly in the past few decades. Space travel was once a government domain, but now it is also a place of competition for the private sector. The current global pandemic of COVID-19 and other crises such as climate change have once again proved the urgency of encouraging humans explore new homes out of the Earth and establish civilized bases in outer space and other planets. However, there are still great obstacles to the practical realization of space travel and immigration. This seminar outlines the vision of human space travel and colonization into the cosmos and discusses the most innovative plans and grand dreams.

  • ✺What is American Dreams 寻找美国梦

    “美国梦不仅仅是豪华汽车和高工资的梦想,而是一个社会秩序的梦想,在这个社会秩序中,每个男人和每个女人都能充分发展他们与生俱来的能力,人人平等而无出生或职位的差别” [美国史诗, 1931 年]。过去一个世纪,华裔美国人是实现“美国梦”的现代典范。 虽然许多中国移民家庭的成功故事令人印象深刻,但许多人对不断变化的全球经济和政治格局感到焦虑,还有一些人为美国梦对他们的意义而苦苦挣扎。 本次演讲将回顾美国梦对中国移民的意义,它如何影响美国华裔科学家和工程师的日常生活,以及如何追求这个梦想,让生活变得更美好、更丰富、更充实。

    “The American Dream is not a dream of motor cars and high wages merely, but a dream of a social order in which each man and each woman shall be able to attain to the fullest stature of which they are innately capable, … regardless of the fortuitous circumstances of birth or position. [The Epic of America, 1931]”.

    This STEM seminar will review the meaning of American Dream, how it affects the life of everyday students, engineers and scientists in America, and how to pursue this dream so that life could be better and richer and fuller, for everyone.

  • ✺The Art of Machine Learning 机器学习的魅力

    这期讲座将涉及与人工智能 (AI)、机器学习 (ML) 和大数据分析相关的主题。将给大家介绍从 AI/ML的广泛应用到解决科学和工程中的难题,并讲述 ML的数学基础, 最新的技术, 和高性能的软件包。我们的目标是让大家了解AI/ML的前沿领域, 以及AI/ML在应用中激动人心的实例。

    This lecture will cover a wide range of topics related to artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML) and statistics. We will introduce you from the application of AI/ML to solving problems in science and engineering, and describe the basic theories of ML, novel ML technology, and high-performance software packages. Our goal is to let everyone understand the frontiers of AI/ML and the exciting topics that AI/ML encounters in applications.

Dr. Jiang’s Seminars

  • ✺Reach for the Stars 伸手摘星


    This Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Seminar Series emphasize preparing future generations to be successful in their careers. We teach students at all levels, and communicate with their parents and teachers, to provide real-world examples and applications in STEM fields. Our STEM activities help preparing students who move into society, industry and academics with valuable skill sets that allow them to be successful.

  • ✺Why Star are Suns 为什么星星是太阳


    CESASC Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Seminar Series emphasize preparing future generations to be successful in their careers. We teach students at all levels, and communicate with their parents and teachers, to provide real-world examples and applications in STEM fields. CESASC STEM activities help preparing students who move into society, industry and academics with valuable skill sets that allow them to be successful.

  • ✺Viewing the Earth from Space 从太空看地球

    从外太空看地球,地球是怎样的?有时候,您需要一个新的视角才能以一种全新的方式看待事物。借助来自太空的卫星图像,科学和艺术可以结合起来展示我们星球的壮观, 美丽和奇迹。此外,地球卫星的遥感数据正在被广泛地利用于解决诸如天气预报,预测气候变化,和跟踪观察灾难爆发等重要的全球性问题。通过本期STEM讲座,蒋红涛博士将带领大家开启外太空的探索旅程,向大家介绍从太空进行地球观测的基本原理,以及太空地球观测在科学和社会中的应用。 Looking at the earth from space, what does the earth look like? Sometimes, you need a new perspective to see things in a different way. With satellite images from space, science and art can be combined to show the magnificence, beauty and wonders of our planet. Remote sensing data from earth satellites are being widely used to solve important global issues such as weather forecasting, predicting climate change, as well as monitoring and tracking disaster outbreaks. This STEAM seminar will introduce the basic principles of Earth observation from space, and application examples of space Earth observation in science and society.

  • ✺Tales of Space and Time 空间和时间的故事


    The concept of space and time is an essential component of the whole world. With the development of natural science, especially physics, the study of space-time is also growing. In this STEM seminar, Dr. Jonathan Jiang will introduce you to the most advanced scientific concepts of space and time.

  • ✺Kiss under the Stars 星光下的亲吻


    Human sexuality presumes that we are part of a whole Universe. Erotic attracts not only on the level of the individual but the universe itself is erotic, in every star, cell, flower, bird, and human body. Love is more than a survival mechanism; it is the fire breathed into the fabric of the cosmos that enkindles life, rendering life more than biological function. Consciousness of love, awareness of our desires and attention to our deepest longings that orient us toward a thread of passionate energy that winds around the embrace of persons and enters into the heart of the cosmos, within every flower, plant, star and galaxy...

  • ✺Weather and Climate 天气与气候


    What is weather? How weather is forecasted? What will happen tomorrow? Is it cloudy or sunny? Is it raining or snowing? Is it cold or warm? Is the climate the average weather for many years? What is the impact of climate change in the future? This seminar will help deepen your understanding of weather and climate and enhance your scientific vision of cosmos.

Which topic interests you?

Which topic interests you?